Sunday, March 21, 2010

Latchezar Boyadjiev: Latchezar Boyadjiev was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, and educated the the Academy of Arts in Sofia and the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague, Czechoslovakia (where he studied with Professor Stanislav Libensky). He came to the United States in 1986, where he has taught at the California College of Arts and Crafts.

Boyadjiev's works are commissioned and collected extensively both publicly and privately worldwide. Major collections including his works include the Museum of Applied Arts in Prague, the Czech Republic, the Glasmuseum, Ebeltoft, Denmark, the Glasmuseum der Ernsting Stiftung, Germany, the Museum de Alcorcon, Spain, the First Interstate World Trade Center, Los Angeles, CA, Scottsdale Center for the Arts, AZ, and the White House, Washington, DC. Here are some cool photos that I like.

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