Friday, March 5, 2010

ANTONY GORMLEY: EVENT HORIZON- FEATURING 31 SCULPTURES TO BE INSTALLED IN MADISON SQUARE PARK AND ON ROOFTOPS THROUGHOUT NEW YORK CITY'S FLATIRON DISTRICT: Antony Gormley originally created Event Horizon for London's Hayward Gallery as part of the Blind Light exhibition in 2007. The sculptures were installed on bridges, rooftops and streets along the South Bank of London's Thames River. Adapted for the awe-inspiring Manhattan skyline, Event Horizon will introduce the American public to this celebrated British artist in dramatic fashion. With an expanse of pedestrian-level green space bordered by the many architectural treasures of New York's Flatiron District, Mad. Sq. Art is uniquely suited to host this celebrated body of work. According to the artist, "The installation connects the palpable, the perceivable and the imaginable, creating a relational field in which the passerby as well as the aware viewer is implied in a matrix of looking and being looked at." I just saw this art project last night and thought it was very cool.

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